
Welcome to Love Truth Light!!  What a pleasure it is to have you join me on this journey through inspiration.  I am Shurica, aka naturallytoi, aka Toi and I will be your guide on this path to Giving Love, Seeking Truth, and Honoring Light through that which inspires me.

I am inspired by God’s love, grace, and mercy that can be experienced through many ways.  Developing an intimate relationship with Him is the most beautifully rewarding experience you will ever have the privilege to experience.  Encountering inspiration is like a breeze of fresh air that rushes from the inside out and compels me into motivation.  Motivation to write, to dance, to pray, to create, to sing, to listen, to be…… It’s random and it’s purposed and it can be caused by the simplest glimpse of butterfly nesting on a flower to the grandeur of living in brilliance!

My belief is that God has a purpose above and beyond the standard of the “American Dream” for everyone who is willing to serve Him.  It is that we, as believers, live as heirs to His kingdom.  It is imperative to understand the importance of operating in the spiritual realm, from there is where the manifestations of the physical realm begin.  God created us in His image; therefore, we were created in threefold:  Spirit, Body, and Soul.  We must nourish each part of our being according to God’s will

My vision is to establish communities of believers to impact the world through God’s will.  To see God’s people utilizing their spiritual anointing to live, serve, and reconcile others back to Christ.  To see poverty chains broken, to see hearts healed, to see people freed, to see lives changed!

My mission is to use Love. Truth. Light. as a house of inspiration by sharing the lives of those who are living in their purpose.  I want to inspire you, as I am being inspired to live our lives on purpose, with purpose, in the will of God.  I will write of my experiences and the experiences of those who I encounter on my journey.

Please, Be inspired!  Be love!  Be light!  And learn to just Be!

13 thoughts on “About

  1. Love your blog and your “purpose!” Your About page is inspiring and refreshing. Our world truly needs Love, Truth, and Light. I pray you make a huge impact! I look forward to reading more. Thanks for following my blog, too. 🙂


  2. Toi, I met your blog at God’s appointed time, when I finally decided to live my life according to His PURPOSE for ME. Definitely following. Thanks!


    • Nneka, you don’t know how much that means to me!! *tears* My only desire is to be in God’s will. Please know this, your presence on this earth is no mistake. God has give YOU a gift that only You can make manifest as His precious daughter. Many blessings to you on your journey. Love and light!


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