Wake Up Wednesdays

Wake up to know who you are!!

As you go on throughout your week meditate on this: In giving yourself to Christ, you have received the adoption of sons/daughters! In accepting Christ into your life you are no longer a servant to the things that have been set forth to keep you in bondage. You have been redeemed by the most High God and He now accepts you as His son/daughter. You are an heir of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! These things that go on here on earth have NO dominion over you, for you are the child of the Almighty God!

With each step that you take this week, step out in faith and allow yourself to hear, “I am a son/daughter and heir of God through Christ Jesus!” Speak it out loud, rethink it in your thoughts, soak your spirit in it, base the decisions you make on this truth, and have a week of greatness!

Love and Light to you!